Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Broke My Rule…

And it was a bad idea.

And I mean B.A.D.

Why, oh, why did I open my mouth and discuss politics with a co-worker? Why?!!!

I had to apologize later.

Yep. It was that bad.

I just get frustrated with people who repeat talking points like they know what they’re talking about; people who do no research of their own, and yet pontificate as if they had (and when you provide concrete evidence to the contrary, tell you that you don’t know what you’re talking about); people who focus on trivial matters while leaving aside the big issues; people who do not want the truth, but only want their side to be right.


But, I’ve learned my lesson. Again.


*Well, maybe with my mom.


Andrea said...

Liz, you don't ever have to worry about talking politics with me. I'm going to be so glad when the election is over.

This is Andrea, and I approved this message.

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz, I haven't responed in a while and I've been catching up on your blog.You are so funny and profound. Let me just say how happy I am to have been part of your past, part of your present now and eternally part of your future. Love, Mom

Tammy said...

just chalk it up to another learning/ growing experience. I have never liked talking to my co-workers about anything that did have to do with work, it always seems to end up awkward.

Silvestre Family said...

Discussing politics with my mother is worse than discussing it with a coworker. She watches a lot of Fox News...enough said.

Silvestre Family said...

I almost forgot... since you LOVE politics you will be attending our Election Day Party Right? Im counting on you to bring all that knowledge to share... or not (its really up to you.

rachelsaysso said...

I can see why you have your rule. It can get pretty ugly.

Liz the Poet said...

Oh, Sarah! I don't know if I could handle it...I'd have to keep my mouth shut the whole time...while I'm surrounded by people talking politics...and I'd probably disagree with them...and what if the person I want to win, doesn't...I might have a nervous breakdown...or go into a horrible rant about how the country is turning to crap...and that would make everyone feel uncomfortable...and not invite me to any other party...which would make me sad...

So, I don't know if I can come...