Well, as I alluded a few posts go, I have a new calling. And as of yesterday, it's official.
I'm now the 2nd counselor in the Young Women's presidency in my ward. And as you know, this means I'm in charge of the Beehives*. Yes, I will now be enmeshed into their giggling, awkward world.
I have to admit, I have mixed emotions about this as I've had this calling before, so I know what it entails. It's a lot more work than being a Primary teacher, that's for sure.
Oh, and what's the first activity I have to help/attend this Saturday?
A beach trip.
I almost slit my throat with a hymnal when I was told.
It's not that I don't love the beach, I do. And it's not that I don't want to get to know the girls, I do. It's just that any church beach activity I have ever attended or supervised (except one) has gone terribly wrong and/or been a disaster.
And for that reason, anytime any ward has had a beach anything, I have avoided it like the plague (except in cases like this one, when I can't get out of it without being a schmuck.)
For me, Church + Beach = crappy time.
So, I'm contemplating fasting some day this week in order to steal myself against the upcoming event.
"But, Liz," you say, "you might have a great time."
"Yes," I reply dismally,"and I also might find a golden ticket in my Mr. Goodbar."
I'm not holding my breath... (but I will try to be positive).
Oh, the joys of serving in the church!
*Um, and this means that all of you, my wonderful friends, might be asked to help me so I don't lose my mind.
Can I even begin to tell you how much I LOVE the YW program and especially the Beehives??! It was a very formative time for me and I owe a good portion of my sanity to my advisors and YW leaders. If you need A THING - lemme know. Oooh oooh ooh - so excited for you!!!! *happy clappy dance*
Maybe you could have a "Crappy Beach Day" scavenger hunt! It will turn your negativity into a fun activity for you! Here are some sample items/experiences for your list:
- sunburn (10 points for each person)
- getting approached by a homeless person (22 points)
- eating sand (5 points for each sand-laden bite)
- forgotten items (10 points for each, 15 if it was an essential item like food)
- someone saying they want to go home (24 points)
- one of the girls in an inappropriate bathing suit (17 points)
- a smile on your face (50 points each - but only if they're not fake)
Ooo!!! Crappy Beach Day Scavenger Hunt--what a great idea Laura!
Liz-I want your day's total posted. ;-) and also--CONGRATS! You will be a great influence for these girls.
I too am in YW, but as a secretary. Today, our Pres read a letter sent to her from a recently graduated Laurel who is now attending BYU-I. It was full of 'and then we met this boy and he is so cute' etc.
It was fun times.
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