Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Holiday Hiatus

A lot of family things are going on this week.

Happy ones, like getting together for Thanksgiving.

Sad ones, like my sister* in the hospital because she had a mass larger than a football removed (along with one of her ovaries).

So, I'm taking the week off from blogging.

I hope you all have a wonderful time with family and friends!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

*For those of you who know me (that is, most of you), it's my sister, Carolyn. She should be okay. The doctors are still running some tests, though. So, I'll keep you posted.


rachelsaysso said...

Are your parents and Carolyn eating asbestos pie and bathing in lead paint? This is getting to be really scary.

I hope that the rest of your week is filled with not another trip to the hospital. Call me if you need anything.

Laura said...

Your poor family!!! I hope Carolyn (and everyone else) is o.k.!